People spend a lot of time on social media watching other people’s lives, watching them post information about video content, written content, and pictures. They put their lives online for people to watch, and they keep loving it. But why are people addicted to watching other people’s lives on social media?
Is it because watching other people’s lives is easier than living our own?
Most of us know people who have lived their whole lives without ever leaving their hometown; who never worked outside their farming or factory job; and who never had many friends, family, or romantic interests beyond those in their town. These people have plenty to live for: they have their own house to live in, their own garden to tend, their own family to love. Most people don’t have that and would take it if they could.
But there’s a fundamental difference between watching other people’s lives on social media and living your own. Watching other people’s lives, whether on social media or in real life, isn’t hard. But living on your own is hard. It requires effort, risk, attention, persistence, and skill. It requires you to be alive.

So most of us will choose watching other people’s lives on social media over living our own.
The reason is attention.
People love to watch other people.
Watching other people is mostly passive; it doesn’t cost you anything.
Watching other people is fun.
People enjoy being special.
People love to tell other people about themselves, and people enjoy hearing about other people.
Social media gives people a chance to tell each other about themselves, and to share in each other’s lives. Social media gives people access to each other in a way they didn’t have before.
This access creates feelings of closeness and community.
It gives people a sense of importance, a sense that they are important.
It gives people a sense of purpose, the sense that they are making an impact.
It gives people a chance to feel powerful.
It gives people a way to feel like they belong.
It gives people a way to feel like they have friends.
It gives people a sense of connection.
It gives people a feeling of being needed.
It gives people a sense of status.
It gives people a way to feel important.
It gives people a way to feel connected.
It gives people a way to feel validated.
It gives people a way to feel understood.
It gives people a way to feel important.
It gives people a way to feel important.
It gives people a way to feel important.
Social media gives people a way to feel important.
Social media gives people a way to feel important.
Social media gives people a way to feel important.
Social media gives people a way to feel important.
It gives people a way to feel important.
Social media gives people a way to feel important.
It gives people

Social media’s greatest weakness is all of its strengths. It is the most inventive of media precisely because it lets us watch other people’s attention. What underlies our fascination with reality TV? It’s the clash between our desire for connection and our fear of it. Our desire for connection is plain. We want to be seen. As human beings, we have a long evolutionary history of wanting others to see and value us. And social media helps us find that connection.
But it also makes us feel alone. Social media is, above all, about feeling connected when we feel alone. It is no coincidence that Facebook’s first products were status update apps and online dating.
Moreover, it is good at showing us those people who are not like us. Our fear of connection is made worse by our sense that, if we feel isolated, perhaps we are isolated for a reason.
Twitter, in particular, is a marvel of showing and hiding. One moment you are connecting with thousands of people, the next moment you are completely alone.
Social media allows us to see all this in real-time and in real-time. YouTube and Netflix let us watch what people say and do, but social media lets us watch how they look.
Why can’t we get enough of looking? Because looking is addictive.
And looking is addictive because it satisfies a need that you don’t have. Looking is addictive because it satisfies a need that you don’t have.
And social media satisfies this need and satisfies it in a way that nothing else does.
Distance and time are valuable. People won’t send emails or texts to each other, or meet in person, if they think they can’t talk, or if they don’t think it’s worth it. Social media lets people see each other’s faces, read each other’s words, and share things in real-time.
But social media’s real benefit is that it lets people see more than they can see in person.
Things are boring in real life, which is why people seem to spend most of their time on social media watching videos or looking at pictures. These are deeply comforting things. They allow us to escape into another world.
The problem is, this world doesn’t exist.
Social media is a pleasure, but a pleasure of illusion. People get hooked not so much by what they see on it, but by the fact that they can see it. We live in a time when everyone can see everything, all the time.
We think that people don’t spend a lot of time on social media because they want to be alone, or because they want to waste valuable time. On the contrary, people have a profound need to be part of something, and being in it is a way to fill this need without actually doing anything.
People are naturally interesting at first but quickly become annoying. Social media are best used to interact with people who are thousands of miles away. Seeing their faces is ideal, but seeing their words or pictures will do.
People are an online community of people that are there to get the same satisfaction out of watching videos, looking at pictures, and communicating with each other in real-time.
You’ve been telling us for years that you want a way to be in touch with all your friends, even the ones who don’t live nearby. You told us you wanted a way to stay connected. You told us you wanted a place where you can share pictures and updates about your life.
It’s fast. So, people don’t want to write an email or text reply. They don’t think it’s worth the time to schedule a meeting. Instead, they respond immediately on it.
Social media is more than an escape. It is an opportunity to explore the world with your eyes. You will meet great people, make new friends, and learn something new every day.
It’s simple. People are naturally more excited to talk, meet up, or exchange information when they use the internet.
People are connected online every day. We text, email, instant message, or call each other. We connect on social media, even if it’s just to look at old pictures of friends or post a selfie of us drinking a cocktail on vacation. But social media also has its downsides. We can gain more weight by looking at high-calorie meals than we lose on low-carb diets.
If you were to list everything you could think of, you would probably find a list of things you like better than liking other people’s social posts. (I certainly would.)
There are a number of reasons better than liking social media today.
1. You like to be entertained.
2. You enjoy observing people.
3. You like to show off.
4. You like to take selfies.
5. You like to hear what other people have to say.
6. You like to get validation.
7. You like to compare yourself to others.
8. You like to document your life.
9. You like to stay in touch with old friends.
10. You like to keep in touch with family.
11. You like to keep in touch with celebrities.
12. You like to keep in touch with people that are important to you.
13. You like to keep in touch with people you admire.
14. You like to keep in touch with people you would like to know better.
15. You like to keep in touch with people you have crushes on.
16. You like to keep in touch with people you don’t really like that much.
17. You enjoy being in the loop.
18. You like to share things.
19. You enjoy being the center of attention.
20. You like to meet new people through social media.
21. You like to be noticed.
22. You like to feel relevant.
23. You like to see the
Be safe. Use social media for a great cause. Don’t get addicted.
Also Read. Social media strategies / Twitter;s Tip jar
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